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A simple mechanism to markup mud output

Ruby Version

# a simple dynamic description markup processor - Ruby version
require 'ostruct';
Termwidth=[40,60,80];Sex=%w(male female);Race=%w(human elf fairy)
TOD = %w(day night);Keywords = Sex+Race+TOD
You are in a [fairy]huge[/fairy] cavern. [day]Shafts of light descend from
an opening high in the cavern ceiling.[/day] Writhing on the cavern floor
is a decaying corpse writhing with maggots. Feasting on the corpse is a
hobbit. [female]You shriek hysterically.[/female]

def show(s, p)
  pf.each {|k| str.gsub!(/\[#{k}\](.*?)\[\/#{k}\]/mi,'\1')}
  Keywords.each {|k| str.gsub!(/\[#{k}\].*?\[\/#{k}\]/mi,'')}
  str.gsub!(/\n/,' ');str.squeeze!(' ')
  str.gsub!(/(\S{#{p.tw}})(?=\S)/,'\1 ')

def mockplayer
  p = OpenStruct.new

5.times do
  puts "Sex:#{p.sex} Race:#{p.race} TOD:#{p.tod} TW:#{p.tw}"
  puts show(Desc,p)


$ ruby dyndesc.rb

Sex:female Race:fairy TOD:day TW:80
You are in a huge cavern. Shafts of light descend from an opening high in the
cavern ceiling. Writhing on the cavern floor is a decaying corpse writhing with
maggots. Feasting on the corpse is a disgusting hobbit. You shriek hysterically.

Sex:male Race:fairy TOD:night TW:40
You are in a huge cavern. Writhing on
the cavern floor is a decaying corpse
writhing with maggots. Feasting on the
corpse is a disgusting hobbit. 

Sex:female Race:fairy TOD:night TW:40
You are in a huge cavern. Writhing on
the cavern floor is a decaying corpse
writhing with maggots. Feasting on the
corpse is a disgusting hobbit. You
shriek hysterically. 

Sex:female Race:human TOD:day TW:60
You are in a cavern. Shafts of light descend from an opening
high in the cavern ceiling. Writhing on the cavern floor is
a decaying corpse writhing with maggots. Feasting on the
corpse is a hideous hobbit. You shriek hysterically. 

Sex:male Race:fairy TOD:night TW:40
You are in a huge cavern. Writhing on
the cavern floor is a decaying corpse
writhing with maggots. Feasting on the
corpse is a disgusting hobbit. 

C++ Version

// a simple dynamic description markup processor - C++ version
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <pcrecpp.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace pcrecpp;

int termwidth[] = {40,60,80};
string sex[] = {"male", "female"};
string race[] = {"human", "elf", "fairy"};
string tod[] = {"day", "night"};
string Desc =
"You are in a [fairy]huge[/fairy] cavern. [day]Shafts of light descend from "
"an opening high in the cavern ceiling.[/day] Writhing on the cavern floor "
"is a decaying corpse writhing with maggots. Feasting on the corpse is a "
"[elf]foul-smelling[/elf][fairy]disgusting[/fairy][human]hideous[/human] "
"hobbit. [female]You shriek hysterically.[/female] ";
vector<int> Termwidth;
vector<string> Sex;
vector<string> Race;
vector<string> TOD;
vector<string> Keywords;

class Player {
  int tw;
  string sex;
  string race;
  string tod;
  vector<string> pf;
  Player(string _sex,string _race,string _tod, int _tw)
    : sex(_sex), race(_race), tod(_tod), tw(_tw) {

string show(string s, Player* p) {
  char tws[10];
  string str(s);
  string pat;
  for(vector<string>::iterator i = p->pf.begin(); i != p->pf.end(); i++) {
    pat = "\\[" + *i + "\\](.*?)\\[\\/" + *i + "\\]";
    RE(pat, RE_Options(PCRE_CASELESS|PCRE_MULTILINE)).GlobalReplace("\\1",&str);
  for(vector<string>::iterator i = Keywords.begin(); i != Keywords.end(); i++) {
    pat = "\\[" + *i + "\\].*?\\[\\/" + *i + "\\]";
    RE(pat, RE_Options(PCRE_CASELESS|PCRE_MULTILINE)).GlobalReplace("",&str);
  RE("\\n").GlobalReplace(" ", &str);
  RE("  ").GlobalReplace(" ", &str);
  pat = "\\S{" + string(tws) + "})(?=\\S)";
  RE(pat).GlobalReplace("\\1", &str);
  pat = "(.{1," + string(tws) + "})(?:\\s+|$)";
  RE(pat).GlobalReplace("\\1\n", &str);
  return str;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  Termwidth.assign(termwidth, termwidth+3);
  Sex.assign(sex, sex+2);
  Race.assign(race, race+3);
  TOD.assign(tod, tod+2);
  Keywords.insert(Keywords.end(), Sex.begin(), Sex.end());
  Keywords.insert(Keywords.end(), Race.begin(), Race.end());
  Keywords.insert(Keywords.end(), TOD.begin(), TOD.end());
  for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
    Player* p = new Player(
      Sex[rand() % Sex.size()],
      Race[rand() % Race.size()],
      TOD[rand() % TOD.size()],
      Termwidth[rand() % Termwidth.size()]
    cout << "Sex:" << p->sex << " Race:" << p->race <<
       " TOD:" << p->tod << " TW:" << p->tw << endl;
    cout << show(Desc,p) << endl;
    cout << endl;
  return 0;


$ g++ dyndesc.cpp -lpcrecpp

$ ./a
Sex:male Race:human TOD:night TW:40
You are in a cavern. Writhing on the
cavern floor is a decaying corpse
writhing with maggots. Feasting on the
corpse is a hideous hobbit. 

Sex:male Race:human TOD:day TW:80
You are in a cavern. Shafts of light descend from an opening high in the cavern
ceiling. Writhing on the cavern floor is a decaying corpse writhing with
maggots. Feasting on the corpse is a hideous hobbit. 

Sex:female Race:elf TOD:day TW:40
You are in a cavern. Shafts of light
descend from an opening high in the
cavern ceiling. Writhing on the cavern
floor is a decaying corpse writhing with
maggots. Feasting on the corpse is a
foul-smelling hobbit. You shriek

Sex:male Race:fairy TOD:night TW:80
You are in a huge cavern. Writhing on the cavern floor is a decaying corpse
writhing with maggots. Feasting on the corpse is a disgusting hobbit. 

Sex:female Race:human TOD:day TW:80
You are in a cavern. Shafts of light descend from an opening high in the cavern
ceiling. Writhing on the cavern floor is a decaying corpse writhing with
maggots. Feasting on the corpse is a hideous hobbit. You shriek hysterically. 

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Edited October 22, 2005 5:58 am by JonLambert (diff)
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