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Difference (from prior author revision) (major diff, minor diff)

Removed: 3d2
* [RPI Mud list]

Changed: 5,9c4,14
* http://www.topmudsites.com/
* http://mud.adventmud.org/ - 1337 muds list
* http://www.themudslide.com/
* [Smaug Mud Top Sites List] - Smaug or smaug derived muds
* [MUDseek MUD games search engine]
* [Top Mud Sites]
* [MudQuest]
* [The Mud Slide]
* [MudGamers]
* [MudPages]
* [RPI Mud list]
* [MudBytes list]
* [Community MUSHlist]
* [MudStats]
* [WORA Wiki]
* [Mushcode . com listing]

Mud Listing Sites


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Last edited April 2, 2009 1:28 am by JonLambert (diff)
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