#!ruby # # RocketMUD was written by Jon Lambert, 2006. # It is based on SocketMUD(tm) written by Brian Graversen. # This code is released to the public domain. # # require 'socket' require 'fcntl' require 'yaml' require 'singleton' require 'pp' require 'constants' ############################## # End of standard definitons # ############################## ############################# # New structures # ############################# # the actual structures class Help attr_accessor :load_time, :keyword, :text def initialize k, t @load_time = Time.now.to_i @keyword = k @text = t end end class Command attr_accessor :cmd_name, :cmd_funct, :level def initialize n, f, l @cmd_name = n @cmd_funct = f @level = l end end ############################# # End of new structures # ############################# #################### # Global Variables # #################### $dsock_list = [] # the linked list of active sockets $dmobile_list = [] # the mobile list of active mobiles $shut_down = false # used for shutdown $current_time = Time.now # let's cut down on calls to time() $fSet = [] # the socket list for polling $help_list = [] # the linked list of help files $tabCmd = [] # the command table $greeting = "" # the welcome greeting $motd = "" # the MOTD help file # the color table... $ansi_table = [ [ ?d, "30", false ], [ ?D, "30", true ], [ ?r, "31", false ], [ ?R, "31", true ], [ ?g, "32", false ], [ ?G, "32", true ], [ ?y, "33", false ], [ ?Y, "33", true ], [ ?b, "34", false ], [ ?B, "34", true ], [ ?p, "35", false ], [ ?P, "35", true ], [ ?c, "36", false ], [ ?C, "36", true ], [ ?w, "37", false ], [ ?W, "37", true ] ] # # The command table, very simple, but easy to extend. # $tabCmd = [ # command function Req. Level # --------------------------------------------- Command.new("commands", :cmd_commands, LEVEL_GUEST), Command.new("help", :cmd_help, LEVEL_GUEST), Command.new("linkdead", :cmd_linkdead, LEVEL_ADMIN), Command.new("say", :cmd_say, LEVEL_GUEST), Command.new("save", :cmd_save, LEVEL_GUEST), Command.new("shutdown", :cmd_shutdown, LEVEL_GOD), Command.new("quit", :cmd_quit, LEVEL_GUEST), Command.new("who", :cmd_who, LEVEL_GUEST) ] ########################### # End of Global Variables # ########################### require 'utils' #require 'help' #require 'event' #require 'sockdesc' #require 'mobile' def load_control loaded = false Dir.entries(".").each do |entry| begin next if entry =~ /rocket|constants/ || entry !~ /\.rb/ if last_modified(entry) > $load_time.to_i Kernel::load(entry) log_string "Loaded #{entry}" loaded = true end rescue log_string "Unable to load #{entry}" log_string $!.to_s end end if loaded $load_time = Time.now end end def game_loop control tv = 0.0 rFd = [] # set this for the first loop last_time = Time.now # clear out the file socket set $fSet = [] # add control to the set $fSet << control # do this untill the program is shutdown while !$shut_down # set current_time $current_time = Time.now # copy the socket set rFd = $fSet.dup # wait for something to happen # Poll our socket interest set rFd, dummy, dummy = select(rFd, nil, nil, tv) # check for new connections if rFd && rFd.include?(control) newConnection = control.accept if newConnection new_socket newConnection end end # poll sockets in the socket list $dsock_list.each do |dsock| # # Close sockects we are unable to read from. if rFd && rFd.include?(dsock.control) && !dsock.read_from_socket dsock.close_socket false next end # Ok, check for a new command dsock.next_cmd_from_buffer # Is there a new command pending ? if !dsock.next_command.empty? # figure out how to deal with the incoming command case dsock.state when :state_new_name, :state_new_password, :state_verify_password, :state_ask_password dsock.handle_new_connections dsock.next_command when :state_playing dsock.handle_cmd_input dsock.next_command else bug "Descriptor in bad state." end dsock.next_command = '' end # if the player quits or get's disconnected next if dsock.state == :state_closed # Send all new data to the socket and close it if any errors occour if !dsock.flush_output dsock.close_socket false end end # call the event queue heartbeat # # Here we sleep out the rest of the pulse, thus forcing # RocketMud to run at PULSES_PER_SECOND pulses each second. # get the time right now, and calculate how long we should sleep sleep_time = last_time - Time.now + (1.0 / PULSES_PER_SECOND) # if secs < 0 we don't sleep, since we have encountered a laghole if sleep_time > 0 sleep sleep_time next end load_control # reset the last time we where sleeping last_time = Time.now # recycle sockets $dsock_list.each do |dsock| next if dsock.state != :state_closed # remove the socket from the socket list $dsock_list.delete dsock # close the socket dsock.control.close end end # while end # # New_socket() # # Initializes a new socket, get's the hostname # and puts it in the active socket_list. def new_socket sock # # allocate some memory for a new socket if # there is no free socket in the free_list sock_new = SockDesc.new sock # attach the new connection to the socket list $fSet << sock # set the socket as non-blocking sock.fcntl Fcntl::F_SETFL, Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ # update the linked list of sockets $dsock_list << sock_new # send the greeting sock_new.text_to_buffer $greeting sock_new.text_to_buffer "What is your name? " # initialize socket events init_events_socket sock_new # everything went as it was supposed to return true end def termguard(sig) bug "The server is shutting down, attempting to close MUD." buf = sprintf("\r\nThe server is shutting down!\r\n"); # inform all players and save them $dsock_list.each do |dsock| dsock.text_to_socket buf if dsock.state == :state_playing && dsock.player save_player dsock.player end end # close MUD exit 1 end if __FILE__ == $0 Signal.trap("INT", method(:termguard)) Signal.trap("TERM", method(:termguard)) Signal.trap("KILL", method(:termguard)) load_control # note that we are booting up log_string "Program starting." # initialize the event queue - part 1 init_event_queue 1 # initialize the socket servsock = TCPServer.new '', MUDPORT servsock.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_REUSEADDR, true) unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /cygwin/ servsock.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_LINGER, [0,0].pack('ii')) servsock.fcntl Fcntl::F_SETFL, Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ # load all external data load_muddata # initialize the event queue - part 2 init_event_queue 2 # main game loop game_loop servsock # close down the socket servsock.close # terminated without errors log_string "Program terminated without errors." exit 0 end